Volunteer Driven - 100% donations to the Community Initiative - Responsible Governance

…above all, we are Friends working together…

ICO Community Members are non-voting members who wish to support ICO as ambassadors, with flexibility as to type of support and amount of volunteer time offered. ICO Team Members hold a defined active role within the foundation, have voting rights, and commit to a specific amount of volunteer time.  

ICO Membership is free and open to all people of the World who agree to accept and abide by our ICO Members’ Charter.

Members’ Charter

ICO Vision
In order to support and strengthen the people in the communities we serve, we relieve poverty and advance education. We connect communities with resources through processes, technologies, grassroots involvement, team building and community-driven initiatives.

ICO Mission

  • 100% volunteer – 100% donations to the community initiatives – 100% transparent
  • Build relationships first, then task as required.
  • Take risks to innovate.
  • Do not let ideology affect our relationships.
  • Share with the world our research, projects and initiatives whether successful or not.
  • And remember, …above all, we are Friends working together…

Please email us at membership(at)innovativecommunities.org with your name and contact information, including your email and phone number.

Should you wish to volunteer with us, please include your areas of interest and attach your Resume.
We look forward to hearing from you!