We are currently supporting 22 primary, secondary, and university students in the Nakuru and Meru Counties of Kenya.
One of our students, Nahashon, is studying at Embu University to be a lawyer. He is getting straight As! We are so proud of him. Right now, he is doing his attachment (similar to what we call articling).
Nahashon has a keen sense of justice and is always standing up for the underdog. As part of his attachment, he is working on a petition to require the government to compensate a family whose young son was brutally killed by police officers.
Valentine is a young lady we rescued from a tragic home situation in the Pokot region. She is doing well at a prestigious all-girls boarding school in Nakuru County.
Winfred, our first sponsored child, has finished high school. She did not get the marks she wanted for university. Her dream has always been to be a lecturer. She was depressed for a few days dealing with her disappointment.
We are so immensely proud of our Winfred as she worked so hard to get a passing grade. She excels in Home Science and Christian Religious Education. She would like to be a teacher.
Joash, our ICO manager, and Josanne and I have been counselling her on what is next for her.
Twelve of our Pokot girls had to stay in school over the break. This was due to a small war going on in the Pokot region between two warring tribes.
The head of the school, Father Frederick, felt it was best to pay for two teachers to stay on over the break and teach them. It was decided that it was too risky to send them home with this war going on.
Valentine was able to stay over the break with Joash and his fiancé, Mildred.
We are bursting with pride for all our Kenyan students who are working so hard to get ahead in life during these challenging times.