Football (known in North America as soccer) is a popular sport in Cambodia. Seyha, a young pastor and community leader in Snoul, Cambodia, loves football and sees the sport as a way to connect with men of different faiths and a healthy way to keep young people engaged and out of trouble.
In December 2016, ICO paid for uniforms and cleats for two teams, plus two goals and several footballs. Since that time one of the two goals has gone missing.
In November 2017, initiative lead Thanh Tazumi returned to Snoul to deliver a cheque for $670 USD to Seyha. The funds paid for 30 uniforms and cleats (two teams), 3 footballs, and 1 goal/net.
Seyha and the Otanhinn football team practices with two other teams twice a week. There are four teams in the area. The four inter-faith teams have a tournament once a month.