Nepal Kaski Education Update – June 2024


Meet Samjhana, our latest ICO-sponsored student. She was awarded Best Student in her final year of high school. She is from the most disadvantaged caste and a poor family so being accepted into dentistry on a five-year scholarship was well deserved. To assist Samjhana, ICO will support her living expenses as she is required to move to Kathmandu for school. It took courage for Samjhana to leave her small village and family for the first time, but she is fitting in well at dental school. 

We are happy to report that all the ICO-sponsored students are doing well in college and university. We are always reminded that this is especially challenging as they all attended Nepali government schools, which provide a very poor education. Unfortunately only 40% are adequately prepared and able to pass final exams, compared to children who attend private schools, where the pass rate is around 95%. Universities and colleges in Nepal are instructed in English while the government schools are taught in Nepali, so students are often learning English in addition to studying  for a specific qualification. This is why we are so proud of the hard-working, dedicated students we sponsor. Pictured here is Samjhana with her mother, her award, and the laptop provided to her by ICO to support her studies.