COVID restrictions in Cambodia have tightened significantly in recent months; making it difficult for our field lead Trang to visit farmers. However, Trang continues to touch base with farmers on a regular basis via text, phone calls, as well as group chats and video calls on Messenger.
In May one of the farmers we support lost over 70 chickens overnight due to disease. He has decided to wait until COVID restrictions ease up before filling up his chicken coops again. He continues to work on his vegetable garden.

Hem Vany (leader of a women’s network) is vaccinating baby chicks before she sells them to other farmers
Other farmers are doing fairly well despite COVID challenges. Most families are raising livestocks including: pigs, goats, cows, chickens, ducks and some are focusing on vegetables and one family has started a small rubber field/plantation.

Sok Romonea is slicing up a banana tree to feed her chickens