The Kaski district in Nepal has opened up schools again after being shutdown due to COVID. ICO sponsored student Kushum (below) has completed her exams to become a Medical Lab assistant and is now doing her practicum for the next 6 months at a hospital in Pokahra. Kushum does not get paid for her practicum and ICO is paying for her bus fares and food for the duration of her pr
acticum. Another ICO sponsored student Kushal (pictured receiving food support) is now back studying for his Bachelor’s in Computer Science. He is continuing to do well in his studies and is now inhis 3rd year. Interviews are taking place to sponsor addition students who come from economically disadvantaged situations for post secondary education.
ICO is again committed to supplying computers to high schools in the Kaski district with the next delivery scheduled for the middle of March. In order to receive computers, the schools must have proper facilities, assurances the computers will have the proper software and have certified computer teachers.