We’ve had an excellent year with the 20 children who are sponsored through ICO, 19 in primary school and 1 in high school. We look forward to the new school year when four of the children who we have been with since kindergarten will enter their final year of primary school.
It was the highlight of our year being able to spend late November and early December with the children at the learning center. It was a lot of fun connecting with the children after so many years of not seeing them, for all their English has greatly improved! We also had the opportunity to visit the homes of 13 of the sponsored children and meet their caregivers.
Most of the children do not live with their parents but rather are cared for by aunts, uncles, sisters or grandparents. In some cases the children have multiple caregivers who they move around to whomever is able to provide support that month. This is due to many factors including conception at an early age, high HIV rates, men not accepting children who are not theirs, and difficulty finding reliable jobs. We also help the families of sponsored children. In some cases rent may be paid in a difficult month, other times we provide mosquito nets, blankets, food and other preventative health measures to families.
Although new sponsors came forward this year there were also donors who were unable to continue sponsoring, due to this no additional children received sponsorship this year. We welcome all new sponsors as individuals and groups. If you would like to sponsor a child please feel free to reach out to us. Even a one time donation can go a long way for keeping a child in school while they are in between sponsors.